The Capitol ReportPriorities for Next SessionWinter is quickly approaching and that means it is time to start considering legislation for the coming session. As your elected Representative I believe it is important to communicate my priorities. This week I’d like to share some legislation I have been working on and will continue to work on in the next legislative session beginning in January.
- Property Tax Reform – It is time to stand up for our seniors and home owners. For too long, rising assessments and taxes have made our homes unaffordable. My proposed reforms would make property taxes more predictable and manageable. It really bothers me that the government meant to protect our rights is forcing seniors out of homes they’ve had for 30 plus years.
- State Sovereignty – The stimulus package is just the latest effort from the federal government to control the states. I want the State of Missouri to remind Washington that we are a sovereign and independent state. We do not have to and we will not continue to cow to Washington’s wishes.
- Grandparents’ Rights – It is well-known that children are generally going to be in a more loving and nurturing environment with their own family members. Last year we passed legislation giving grandparents the first opportunity to take their grandchildren in the event they are removed from their parents’ home. There are still abuses in the system and I want to continue to correct those.
- Expanding Castle Doctrine – In 2007 we passed Castle Doctrine applying to your home, dwelling or vehicle. I’d like to go back now and expand that to include your property. We need to put the criminals on notice that if they invade our property, the owner can assume they are there to harm them and act accordingly.
- Volunteer Firefighter Tax Credit – Over 70% of Missouri’s firefighters are volunteer. This tax credit would offer $180 - $360 in tax credits for firefighters reaching a certain threshold of training. Tax credits are hard to pass in times of economic stress, but I believe our firefighters deserve this for the sacrifices they make each and every day to protect our families.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Ruestman lays out her goals
Monday, October 19, 2009
DAVIS: "I'll support the most conservative candidate"
Icet hits Joplin
- "Some twisting letter for political means."
- "Nothing has been cut."
- "We the state have to cut budgets."
- "This MAY happen."
- To teachers: "I have a daughter who teaches public schools."
- "We have to have a balanced budget." "Lots of places to pull money form."
- "All about priorities." "Public education is #1 [priority.]"
- (Interesting to not he never committed not to cut career ladder.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Dreyer Meets Downtown
Webb City rolls out the Rosey-Red Carpet.

The shy Diana Williams, Director of Bands in Webb City, said the second opportunity at the parade was "a dream come true."
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Chamber Honors Webb Citians
- Dr. Ron Lankford, Superintendent of Schools, speaking with Senator Gary Nodler.
- Senator Gary Nodler, who left very quickly to go to another dinner.
- A representative from Congressman (and current Senate candidate) Roy Blunt's office.
- Mayor John Biggs of Webb City. He didn't have much to say.
- THE Bob Foos, shooting pictures from his seat. I'm pretty sure he used the napkin to dry off his camera. So, we stole the napkin.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Abortion: Joplin's Point of View
Blake James and Eli Yokley
From 7th to 20th and range line, the streets were lined with pro-life supporters on Sunday.
Deana Maurer, the organizer of the event, took some time to speak with TFJ during the hour long protest/prayer. When asked about why she put the event together, Maurer said that “abortion kills” and that the word isn’t being spread via the media right now, so by having an event like this people can be informed about the evils of abortion.
The Joplin event was started around 18 years ago, and at the innaugral showing there were nearly 4,300 attendees.
The goal of supporters was not only to inform drivers on Range Line, but also to pray for the unborn. Local Pastor John Sherwood went on record today saying he was “concerned for the plight of unborns, and their right as people in our country.” Sherwood sported a sign that read, “Birth, the first innaleable right.”
Maurer also spoke on the impact and significance of the even saying that she hopes the area would be effected by what took place today.
Judy Clark, of Webb City, spoke on the issue of women involved in rape, saying that there are other options, “you must carry the weight of killing a child [after choosing to abort]” she says.
Opposing Views:
As with any ideology there are dissenters. Amy Agee and Craig Taliaferro we a few among the opposition. The basic principal they supported was that we are all entitled to a counter point if we do not agree with something. The group felt that the government should not be involved in a mothers choice. Going off of that Amy and Craig both say they are not pro-abortion, rather pro-choice, the right to choose what is best for you in your situation, not a broad policy that bans abortion all together. Agee feels that if we really want to stop abortion in the U.S. we must fix the socioeconomic hardships many mothers face today. If mothers are economically safe they are less likely to feel the need to give up their children. Taliaferro felt that it would be in the best intrest of everyone if we keep the option of abortion open to all.
No matter your stance on the issue you have to admit that Joplin did a good job today. Two sides of one argument promoting their opinion peacefully. There were a few cases of drivers commenting against one particular idea, on the whole both sides noted the supportive honks, thumbs up, and “thank you’s”. Maybe if this kind of open discourse and protest took place on other issues we could accomplish something to better our nation. Cheers for democracy.
Peace, love, and the right to be informed
(Blake James is Contributing Editor of The Fuse Joplin and Junior at Webb City High School. Eli Yokley is the Editor-in-Chief of The Fuse Joplin. Both contributed to this article. Thanks to Natalie Preston for helping out and being generally awesome.)