Op-Ed by Blake James.
House: [H.R.2454.EH]
The A.C.E. was placed on the Senate's calendar two Tuesdays ago. The legislation’s goals can be found in the title, “To create clean energy jobs, achieve energy independence, reduce global warming pollution and transition to a clean energy economy”.
I’m happy to see Congress propose legislation that finally sets a precedent as to who has ground on alternative energy. While this is just the first step I think it will even out the alternative energy playing field so to speak. With the passage of the A.C.E. the Federal government will set the standard for Cap and Trade within the United States. The text of the legislation clearly prohibits states from setting their own standard while the legislation is enforced.
Long Term
It joys me even more that with the passage of this bill congress solidifies numbers for America to shoot for in the future (6% in 2012, 9.5% in 2014, 13% in 2016, 16.5% in 2018, and 20% in 2021-2039). We can all talk about how “green” we want to go, but unless there is a goal for us to meet and be judged against there won’t be any progress made. However these numbers don’t really play towards you and I, they’re directed at the business industry of America. More specifically businesses that emit greenhouse gasses. For those of you who don’t know what a cap and trade system is here is the EPA’s quick explanation. Basically businesses are held accountable for their pollution. Over the limit, and you’re taxed; under, and you can sell your credits to bigger business.
No matter how large the shift towards greener energy is there’s one more problem that stands. The old faulty gridlines that stretch across the nation are that problem. The legislation will include provisions for the implementation of smart grid technology. The change in efficiency doesn’t stop at the grid, consumer products also fall under the legislations umbrella.
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