5:49p.m: TFJ shooting photos and trying to ask a few questions.
5:54p.m.: talking to Davis after the event
5:56p.m.: Great turn out with under ten minutes till Davis takes the podium.
6:02p.m.: Word is no State hierarchy is here... interesting.
6:04p.m.: Allan Snow introduces Pastor Bob Morgan to give an invocation.
6:12p.m.: Charlie Davis- Speaks on behalf of the veterans of the United States.
6:16p.m.: Oct 3rd 1989. Moved to Joplin Missouri. Speaks about his wife.
6:17p.m.: Being a small business owner made me want to run. The unfair taxation forced solely onto small business. 35% goes out to taxes, from what I pay my workers. My desire has never been stronger to fight for the conservative values. I can no longer stand by and watch what is happening to our country.
6:19p.m.: Constitution will be followed to a T. It is the greatest document aside from the Bible that has ever been written. The Federal government has taken over many industries, I can’t think of a single thing that isn’t bankrupt the Federal government has gotten involved with.
6:20p.m.: Health care takeover will double our debt in 3 years. Our government is out of control. The government owns nothing, that’s your money and our money. It’s time for the government to start listening to the people.
6:22p.m.: 2010 is coming and there is going to be a change. “Contract unveiled”.
1. Fight for the lives of the unborn and elderly.
2. Limit size and power of the Missouri Government
3. Fight for the right to keep and bear arms
4. taxes will be fair
5. Bring good jobs to MO
6. Quality education to all Mo citizens.
7. Justice and punishment is fair.
8. I will live under the laws I help create
9. Push for alternative energy
10. Ensure quality and affordable healthcare for all MO
11. Promise to restore the trust between citizens and elected officials
6:28p.m.: Lee Greenwood song “America, America”(?) used as closing.
Questions from TFJ
Will you support a fair tax?
Absolutely, easier sale on the state level than the federal level. Just a 1% sales tax increase.
Do you support judges being elected or by a panel (like Carnahan suggested)?
I support them being elected not appointed. The BAR gives three names and the governor chooses who is nominated.
What would you do to ensure quality and affordable health care and insurance to Missourians?
First, reform: frivolous lawsuits need to be slowed. Insurance commission should be opened to any valid insurance company.
Opinion on MOHELA? (Missouri Higher Education Loan Assistance)
We need to ensure better education. Kids that really want to go to college should have a way to go. Missouri constitution guarantees 1/3 of a dollar goes to all schools. That’s enough, if they educate the kids then cost should not be an issue. We need to make sure we are graduating kids that meet a standard.
Stratified with the current public school system, what you do to improve it?
No, we need to educate the kids. Teachers need to have a way of teaching without prejudice. In support of vouchers. Home school kids now. Exit exams- would be for. MAP testing is not fair, kids are coached.
If elected will you serve until term limited?
One term at a time. Goal is to do what’s best for Missouri.
Going to try to sell contract?
All conservatives values, will try to push for them.
You say you won’t raise taxes, what do you plan to cut?
Waste, fraud, abuse, Medicaid can be cut.
My Take:
Great event put on by Mr. Davis. I really liked the fact that he has in writing what he plans on standing for. Accountability is key in today’s government. I also really like the fact that he was willing to sit down with us a field a nice set of questions. Kudos to you Charlie. Stay tuned to thefusejoplin.com for all the information on the 2010 race for the 128th district.
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